June 23, 2015


Whew, I have a lot to catch up on! The past several weeks have been super busy with shows, weddings, traveling, and orders. 

Here's a little recap:

 Had a great time at the Leon & Lulu Summer Artists' Market

Printing and packaging for shows and shops! 

New painting in progress featuring a lovely ginger jar. 

Booth at the Anton Art Fair. The weather was great (the storm held off), and we even saw some friends!

new designs (p.s. for anyone who has ever inquired - this is why I don't offer calligraphy services - all my lettering is carefully gridded out on graph paper before I paint it. Very time-intensive, and not at all practical for envelope addressing!)

painting new designs

Christmas sneak peek!

one of my customers sent me this of my print in her (super cute) bathroom!

Ikea now sells cats. (they find the weirdest places to sit, don't they?)

Also, I now have some paintings available in the Elements Gallery of the Detroit Artists' Market!

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