June 25, 2015

Sensory Overload at Whitdel Arts

A couple weeks ago we were able to squeeze in the opening reception for  
Sensory Overload at Whitdel Arts in Detroit.

"Our experience of life is woven from the information delivered by our senses. Artistic expression can happen through any of these or combination there of. This exhibition will delve into those senses and how they create our view of the world: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste."  from Whitdel website

 some smellable pieces

these tiny paintings were audible, too. 

This is my piece Fabrics and Things I Wore that I created for the show.

Fabrics and Things I Wore, thread, fabric, & found objects


Fabrics and Things I Wore: 1994 – 2014

The clothes we wear are a history: of changing times, trends, events; of clothes we want to wear and those we have to wear. We live in them. We sleep, eat meals, work, party, experience joy and loss. They make us feel safe and loved, or can make us feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Our clothes are a form of self-expression and our security against the elements.

This is my past: the sweater that was the first piece of clothing I ever bought with my own money and wore proudly for years, even with holes in it; my first prom dress (loved the dress, hated the prom); the pants I wore almost every day my senior year of college in the painting studio working tirelessly on canvases. Here is a piece of the uncomfortable turquoise bridesmaid dress I wore in the wedding of my first dear friend to get married; the cotton dress I wore on the 3rd date with my husband that he unfortunately deemed "the tablecloth dress"; delicate silk organza from my wedding gown.

This is my history, the past 20 years. These are the things I wore and touched. 

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