February 10, 2017

That looks familiar...

Last week a friend of mine texted me asking if she was imagining things or if she was seeing my art on the set of Home & Family on the Hallmark Channel. We don't have cable, so I've never seen the show and was uncertain.

She then sent me the following photo:


It was my print From a Table in Carolina that is in my Minted shop. 

 So that was a pretty fun discovery! It looks like the set has several prints by other Minted artists, too. 

So for funsies...
Here is Queen Latifah with my print:

 And here is the cast of Fuller House with my print:
(including the infamous Mr. Woodchuck who seems VERY into my art)

 And here are Regis and Kathie Lee with my print:

The first time I was aware that the art on tv and film sets was sometimes real art from actual living artists (and not just prop pieces made for the show) was when I read an article about the artists whose pieces were featured in the background of Central Perk coffee shop on Friends. I pay close attention to the art on tv shows and movies just to see if I recognize anything; while I always secretly hoped to see my own art, I never thought it would actually happen! 

And, lastly, here is Chrissy Metz from This Is Us with my print: 
(is anyone else obsessed with that show?) 

Thanks so much to my friend Lauren for not choking on her waffle when she saw it and letting me know! 
(and thanks to the set decorator who chose my print to display this season!)

Original painting available in my Etsy shop
Print available in my Minted shop.

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