January 29, 2013

Hedgehog Games

Jason, like so many of you out there, held onto his childhood beanie babies thinking perhaps one day they would be worth MILLION$$$!!!

Well... sadly they are either selling for only $0.05 on Ebay or not at all... doh. 

Anywho, I finally convinced him to get rid of the giant box of worthless nostalgic stuffed toys, but he decided to keep one. His name is Pierre, and he is a cantankerous French hedgehog. (note: we have no qualms with the French, it's just more fun if Pierre has an accent and an attitude problem). 

Pierre likes to hide places... 

It started with my bed.
I would be all snuggly and then my foot would hit something beanie and lumpy and I would scream... because you don't want to be finding things in your sheets at night. (and also, he kind of looks like a rat)

And then he was in my purse. 

And the other night, I found him here when I went to brush my teeth before bed:

I gasped.... and then laughed... a lot. 

And then I thought about how lucky I am to be marrying a man that makes me laugh (and shares my ridiculous sense of humor). Because, really, that's the kind of stuff that lasts. 


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