like when you see a piece of art and you feel alive and sad at the same time because it's so gorgeous and manages to speak to all your senses and you think, "man, I wish I had said it like that."
And my newest art crush is on Laura Jones. Her thoughtful use of color is so refreshing in this trend of black and white chalkboard art (not that I have anything against chalkboard art - most of it is quite cute - but it has its place and doesn't need to be used on EVERYTHING, amiright?)
She is an Australian painter who works primarily in oils, and her paintings are just breathtaking. (she also does printmaking, but as a painter, I'm partial to her paintings). The line work is loose but still feels delicate and purposeful.
Some of her older pieces speak to the power of a strongly colored underpainting.
(look at that intense yellow!)
You know momma can't resist a good painting of fruit. Blue cast shadows? Yes, please!
Even the photos of her studio are lovely.
I could live here.
I'd love to see her pieces in person. Perhaps another reason to visit Australia?
You can view her entire site here. Lovely work.
(all images borrowed from Laura Jones' official website)
This artist currently has an exhibition near where I live - it was wonderful to go and have a look.